You might be wondering, what's it really like at COR?

Simply stated, at COR we're a family that is all about Jesus! 


You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. We don't care what you look like or how you're dressed. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.


Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, COR is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.


Have questions? We have the answers!

What happens when I arrive?
What is service like?
What about my kids?
Is the worship center accessible?


Our COR Youth Ministry provides an incredible experience at every service. Come and enjoy our Youth Jumpstart Worship Service every fourth Sunday. You may also visit our services live on  Youtube and Facebook each Sunday.

Give your life to Christ?

The doors of the Church are always open. During any worship service or at any time during the week, the invitation to Christian Discipleship is available. Just see the Pastor, a member of the Clergy, a Steward, or contact the church office.


Be Baptized?

Baptism is an act of obedience. It identifies those who are disciples of Christ, and it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth. The African Methodist Episcopal Church recognizes the water baptism of infants, children, and adults. If you were previously baptized, we believe the grace of God in the sacrament of water Baptism remains in effect.


Join COR Church?

A Member is a person who has been baptized and enters into the covenant of being received into fellowship of the church. A covenant is a solemn agreement or vow made by church members to defend and support the faith and doctrines of the church.


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